Friday, February 20, 2009



Kepada Yth.

Ibu Fitri Tri Hastuti

Branch Manager Semarang

PT. Asia Outsourcing Services

Dengan hormat,

Bersama surat ini saya mengajukan permohonan mengundurkan diri sebagai karyawan PT. Asia Outsourcing Services terhitung tanggal : 14 Agustus 2009.

Saya menghaturkan terima kasih atas kesempatan yang telah diberikan untuk belajar dan bekerja di PT. Asia Outsourcing Services sebagai suatu perusahaan besar dibidang Outsource selama kurang lebih satu bulan ini.

Tak lupa saya mohon maaf kepada seluruh karyawan serta jajaran manajemen PT. Asia Outsourcing Services apabila terdapat hal-hal yang tidak baik yang telah saya lakukan selama bekerja di PT. Asia Outsourcing Services.

Saya berharap dan berdo’a agar PT. Asia Outsourcing Services menjadi perusahaan yang terus maju dan sukses menjadi “Outsource Terbesar di Indonesia”.

Hormat saya

Bayu Murti Indroyono

Thursday, February 19, 2009

rome in travian

Strategy guide for aggressive raiding roman players. I’ve dominated my area and reached high on the rankings on several servers playing like this.

Roman is a very interesting tribe, and for some reason everyone advices new players to go for romans. I really wonder why, I can’t see why it would be the easiest one to play. Usually most new players who chose roman as their tribe just become farms right away. I’m not saying romans is a bad tribe, it’s just played far too passively by many players in my opinion.

Get the rewards
In all my guides I say that you should start following the rewards program first. If you don’t have that on your server, you just build whatever you need to get the homeland bonus, then lvl 3 main building, granary, warehouse, marketplace, rally point and barracks. No need to build up all the fields then, and even if you have the reward bonus on the server, quit after quest number 21 and don’t build all the fields to level two, it’s a waste of resources. You can do that later when you really need the extra gold you get for it, and if you don’t need the gold just wait with it till you have your second village.

Let’s look at the roman basic foot soldier for a bit, the imperian. 40 offense, 35 infantry defence and 50 cavalry defence. The cavalery defence is pretty useless at the start of the server, 35 infantry defence is pretty good though. Having 40 offense it’s definately a stronger troop when it comes to pure fighting than the famouse teuton clubs. It’s much worse in raiding though, only being able to carry 2/3 of the resources and walking slower. It also costs 440 resources compared to a clubswinger costing only 250. Cause of all this you can’t compete with a teuton from the start.

So what do you do? I suggest laying low and avoiding strong teutons from the start. They will attack you, but just be active enough so that they never catch your troops or get any resources from you. They will be busy farming and probably not notice you as you’ll be building troops and your population won’t grow very much at all from the start. Your legionaries are too expensive to lose in fights with teutons at this point, so here is your first goal as a roman.

2 legionaires
From the time you have 2 legionairies you start farming 24/7 with them, but be carefull, you don’t wanna loose even a single one of them. If you’re playing on quest reward server make sure you attack players with 15 or more population with 3 or more troops the first time to avoid losses. As soon as you get the battle report you’ll attack again assuming you got max.

Keep building more legionaries 24/7 and keep them out raiding all the time, never have them at home when you’re not online. Even if they defend fairly well you don’t want to loose them, this is not the time to kill other peoples armies, you’ll wait with that till later. You also don’t want any large teuton in the neighbourhood noticing you and attack you more frequently cause of that. Stay under the radar and pretend you’re just an inactive farm.

I usually don’t build anything but troops in this period, but it’s ok to build up some more crop fields if it makes you feel safer. As a roman you also need a cranny as teutons will be raiding you, and you don’t want to loose all your crops when your crop production is negative, as you’ll then loose some of your precious troops. You will be negative in crop production if you play my style, but it’s no problem as long as your active.

100 legionaires
Yes, I know it sounds like a lot, but I believe it is necessary. Legionaries farm much slower than clubs and to support the building of infrastructure for your EIs(equites imperatoris) you’ll need a large farming income. If your area is exceptionally well and you get close to max in each of your raids I guess you can do with 60-70 or so, but then you have to be very active. You don’t want to spend too much time building up the academy and stables, as you’ll then be too far behind in troops.

What about imperians you might say? Most romans seem to go for imperians first after all. I believe this is a big mistake. What do you need these imperians for now? They are better raiders than the legionaires that’s true, and it costs less resources to build buildings and research them, but compared to EIs they are crap at this point. Who will you be facing in your battles now? Teautons with clubs, and the EIs are way way better than imperians fighting clubs. They can counter clubs easily, they can kill them almost without losses and they can’t be countered by club armies themselves as they are twice as fast as clubs. They are also better raiders than imperians in general even if there are no teutons at all close to you.

When you’ve got those EIs is when the fun starts, now you’re gonna start hitting those teutons around you over and over, counter any attacks they make with their clubs, just look at the combat guide on how to do that well, and kill all of their troops. It feels really good to retaliate on someone who’s been attacking you before, doesn’t it? They may start building spears and hinder you, but this will take them a long time, and spears are densive units that they can’t really raid efficiently with. While you’re farming and attacking teutons with your EIs you’ll keep farming the other villages in the area with your legionaires.

20 equites imperatoris
As soon as you have 15-20 EIs you should go build a hero mansion and get a hero EI. You’ll boost his offense points and he’ll hopefully be levelling fast killing all those clubs. If you happen to run out of teutons to kill off in your 21×21 just use your EIs to farm the other villages in the area. If you don’t have scouts already now you better research them now, usually I reasearch scouts as soon as I’ve got the prerequisites for it, at the 100 legionaires point that is.

Just keep raiding and farming building EIs non stop, any extra resources will be put into crop fields as you’ll have a massive negative crop production by now. The other fields are not that important but let them follow 2-3 levesls behind. When your crop fields reach level 5 or so, start putting extra resources into party and second village infrastructure, take a look at other guides if you don’t know how.

100 equites imperatoris
I am usually at around 100 EIs at the time I found my second city, and I’ll probably have enough culture points without holding a party on speed, on a normal server maybe one party is needed.

The same ideas of where to put your second village goes for any tribe really. If you’re using gold and/or are playing on a normal server a 15 cropper is the way to go. A cropper will produce more total resources than any other city cause of the bonus buildings, and it will also be a better base for big armies, so if you use gold you should always chose a 15 cropper. If you’re playing on a normal server you should also always chose a 15 cropper as it’s too hard supporting a big army from a 6444 city with normal resource production. Troops eat as much on a normal server, but you production is only one third of speed. When you get your second city on a normal server you stop producting troops in your first city and build it in your second city, the 15 cropper, instead. That’s why you shouldn’t research anything in your first city apart from scouts, since you’ll have to do it all over again in your second one anyways.

A 6444 can easily support a pretty big army on speed, so it’s more up to you there. If you play on speed and don’t use gold, you can chose a 6444 if you wish, but at least city number 4 or 5 has to be a 15 cropper.

Village number 2
Now when you’ve got your second village it’s time to upgrade more of those resource fields. You should also take the time to research imperians. No reason to stop raiding with your legionaires, but imperians are much better raiders and you should start building those in your barracks now. How you balance the production imperians and EIs depends a lot on what your neighbourhood looks like now. If there are a lot of teutons with clubs and axes left to be killed go for more EIs, if there are more romans, gauls and teutons with spear defenses go for more imperians.

Onwards now you just keep up raiding and dominating your neighbourhood, build up a bigger army and upgrade your resource fields. On a speed server you have to be partying all the time, while on a normal server it’s better to go for culture buildings like the embassy. Don’t rush researching EC (equites caesaris), they are not that good raiders, they are expensive and they are to be used for your main offense army later in the game. I’ll just end this guide here as it is a starting guide, I’ll write more about endgame on this page later.

Roman is a very interesting tribe, and for some reason everyone advices new players to go for romans. I really wonder why, I can’t see why it would be the easiest one to play. Usually most new players who chose roman as their tribe just become farms right away. I’m not saying romans is a bad tribe, it’s just played far too passively by many players in my opinion.

Get the rewards
In all my guides I say that you should start following the rewards program first. If you don’t have that on your server, you just build whatever you need to get the homeland bonus, then lvl 3 main building, granary, warehouse, marketplace, rally point and barracks. No need to build up all the fields then, and even if you have the reward bonus on the server, quit after quest number 21 and don’t build all the fields to level two, it’s a waste of resources. You can do that later when you really need the extra gold you get for it, and if you don’t need the gold just wait with it till you have your second village.

Let’s look at the roman basic foot soldier for a bit, the imperian. 40 offense, 35 infantry defence and 50 cavalry defence. The cavalery defence is pretty useless at the start of the server, 35 infantry defence is pretty good though. Having 40 offense it’s definately a stronger troop when it comes to pure fighting than the famouse teuton clubs. It’s much worse in raiding though, only being able to carry 2/3 of the resources and walking slower. It also costs 440 resources compared to a clubswinger costing only 250. Cause of all this you can’t compete with a teuton from the start.

So what do you do? I suggest laying low and avoiding strong teutons from the start. They will attack you, but just be active enough so that they never catch your troops or get any resources from you. They will be busy farming and probably not notice you as you’ll be building troops and your population won’t grow very much at all from the start. Your legionaries are too expensive to lose in fights with teutons at this point, so here is your first goal as a roman.

2 legionaires
From the time you have 2 legionairies you start farming 24/7 with them, but be carefull, you don’t wanna loose even a single one of them. If you’re playing on quest reward server make sure you attack players with 15 or more population with 3 or more troops the first time to avoid losses. As soon as you get the battle report you’ll attack again assuming you got max.

Keep building more legionaries 24/7 and keep them out raiding all the time, never have them at home when you’re not online. Even if they defend fairly well you don’t want to loose them, this is not the time to kill other peoples armies, you’ll wait with that till later. You also don’t want any large teuton in the neighbourhood noticing you and attack you more frequently cause of that. Stay under the radar and pretend you’re just an inactive farm.

I usually don’t build anything but troops in this period, but it’s ok to build up some more crop fields if it makes you feel safer. As a roman you also need a cranny as teutons will be raiding you, and you don’t want to loose all your crops when your crop production is negative, as you’ll then loose some of your precious troops. You will be negative in crop production if you play my style, but it’s no problem as long as your active.

100 legionaires
Yes, I know it sounds like a lot, but I believe it is necessary. Legionaries farm much slower than clubs and to support the building of infrastructure for your EIs(equites imperatoris) you’ll need a large farming income. If your area is exceptionally well and you get close to max in each of your raids I guess you can do with 60-70 or so, but then you have to be very active. You don’t want to spend too much time building up the academy and stables, as you’ll then be too far behind in troops.

What about imperians you might say? Most romans seem to go for imperians first after all. I believe this is a big mistake. What do you need these imperians for now? They are better raiders than the legionaires that’s true, and it costs less resources to build buildings and research them, but compared to EIs they are crap at this point. Who will you be facing in your battles now? Teautons with clubs, and the EIs are way way better than imperians fighting clubs. They can counter clubs easily, they can kill them almost without losses and they can’t be countered by club armies themselves as they are twice as fast as clubs. They are also better raiders than imperians in general even if there are no teutons at all close to you.

When you’ve got those EIs is when the fun starts, now you’re gonna start hitting those teutons around you over and over, counter any attacks they make with their clubs, just look at the combat guide on how to do that well, and kill all of their troops. It feels really good to retaliate on someone who’s been attacking you before, doesn’t it? They may start building spears and hinder you, but this will take them a long time, and spears are densive units that they can’t really raid efficiently with. While you’re farming and attacking teutons with your EIs you’ll keep farming the other villages in the area with your legionaires.

20 equites imperatoris
As soon as you have 15-20 EIs you should go build a hero mansion and get a hero EI. You’ll boost his offense points and he’ll hopefully be levelling fast killing all those clubs. If you happen to run out of teutons to kill off in your 21×21 just use your EIs to farm the other villages in the area. If you don’t have scouts already now you better research them now, usually I reasearch scouts as soon as I’ve got the prerequisites for it, at the 100 legionaires point that is.

Just keep raiding and farming building EIs non stop, any extra resources will be put into crop fields as you’ll have a massive negative crop production by now. The other fields are not that important but let them follow 2-3 levesls behind. When your crop fields reach level 5 or so, start putting extra resources into party and second village infrastructure, take a look at other guides if you don’t know how.

100 equites imperatoris
I am usually at around 100 EIs at the time I found my second city, and I’ll probably have enough culture points without holding a party on speed, on a normal server maybe one party is needed.

The same ideas of where to put your second village goes for any tribe really. If you’re using gold and/or are playing on a normal server a 15 cropper is the way to go. A cropper will produce more total resources than any other city cause of the bonus buildings, and it will also be a better base for big armies, so if you use gold you should always chose a 15 cropper. If you’re playing on a normal server you should also always chose a 15 cropper as it’s too hard supporting a big army from a 6444 city with normal resource production. Troops eat as much on a normal server, but you production is only one third of speed. When you get your second city on a normal server you stop producting troops in your first city and build it in your second city, the 15 cropper, instead. That’s why you shouldn’t research anything in your first city apart from scouts, since you’ll have to do it all over again in your second one anyways.

A 6444 can easily support a pretty big army on speed, so it’s more up to you there. If you play on speed and don’t use gold, you can chose a 6444 if you wish, but at least city number 4 or 5 has to be a 15 cropper.

Village number 2
Now when you’ve got your second village it’s time to upgrade more of those resource fields. You should also take the time to research imperians. No reason to stop raiding with your legionaires, but imperians are much better raiders and you should start building those in your barracks now. How you balance the production imperians and EIs depends a lot on what your neighbourhood looks like now. If there are a lot of teutons with clubs and axes left to be killed go for more EIs, if there are more romans, gauls and teutons with spear defenses go for more imperians.

Onwards now you just keep up raiding and dominating your neighbourhood, build up a bigger army and upgrade your resource fields. On a speed server you have to be partying all the time, while on a normal server it’s better to go for culture buildings like the embassy. Don’t rush researching EC (equites caesaris), they are not that good raiders, they are expensive and they are to be used for your main offense army later in the game. .

teuton in travian

This guide is interchangeable with speed and normal servers. I will make notations if a distinction needs to be made.

Teuton’s are not for the faint of heart. Compared to the other two tribes they’re both slower AND exceptionally weaker in many respects. So again, if you’re not a super aggressive, dedicated, highly-active, hit and run kind of player I’d suggest going with Romans or Gauls. If you want to always be confident in your ability to defend your Kingdom I’d suggest going with Romans or Gauls. If you get attached to your troops like they’re your own children and you mope and lament for hours or days after heavy losses then sad to say Teutons are not for you. I’ve always said that Teutons have to be prepared to lose everything and be ready to rebuild immediately. There’s no time for nostalgia because losing everything is constantly before a Teuton. It’s just been a well kept secret from the other tribes. If they truly understood how much stronger, more balanced and faster they are than Teutons, this tribe would become unmanageable to n00bs and would only be useful to the highly skilled.

If you’re not raiding then you’re vulnerable. I can’t stress this enough. Teutons are dominant raiders and mass troop producers – that’s it. There’s nothing magical about them. Their strength lies in their ability to haul massive amounts of enemy resources which can cripple the target’s production (boosting their own) because of the exorbitant costs other tribes have to produce troops. Now that we’ve got that cleared up...let’s get started with the standard fare:

Names, Start Time and Positioning

Choose a name for yourself that you will care about. Something unassuming about you and if you’re inexperienced, something that will draw little attention to you. The same goes for your village names. You want a name that stirs up emotion when YOU read that you’ve been attacked or scouted by someone. Don’t choose something insulting if you can’t deal with the heat. Personally when I see “Unbelievably Bold Guy has scouted Valley Low” it drives me up a wall. The city name “Valley Low” means something to me. The city name “New Village” doesn’t stir up the same fire but somebody still gets punished.

There are more and more opponents to the notion of starting a server late. Some believe that it’s leaving yourself at a disadvantage when you let others get the jump on production before you. Fortunately for Teutons, the last thing they care about is “production” of fields at the start. More experienced Teutons can start a server late and still be able to subdue their 20x20’s. Normal servers I like to start 2 or 3 days after server start and speed servers I like to start about 3 days after start. Why? Because if I begin the server at noon, I want to be raiding by 2PM at the latest (4PM on a normal server). As a Gaul or Roman though I prefer to start a server on the day it begins, a good distance away from center map. Two speed servers ago I started 2.5 weeks after the server started and still won the Wonder, but I don't recommend that.

To avoid complications with coordinates I usually position my kingdom in the same place every server. It’s up to you where you go; it doesn’t matter really because there’s no way for you to tell who’s spawning where and what their experience is, unless you already have word of mouth knowledge of it.

For me the keys to good positioning are the amenities. It's important to view the details of EVERY square in your 13x13. This way you can start thinking about the future immediately. You must click on every square. Unfortunately this cannot be avoided within the rules. To make it so you only have to do it once, note the hotspots in your e-Notebook. I would like to have at least one of each oasis within my initial 9x9, even better would be one or two coupled with wheat (clay/wheat; iron/wheat or wood/wheat). This will come in handy for me personally because I prefer to make my capital a 4x4x4x6. If an oasis is lacking (say for instance wood), then I’ll pick a 5x4x3 to compensate and even things out.

The reason I choose this strategy most often is because the oasis’ mixed with the bonus buildings, lvl 10+ fields and (if you so desire) the Travian Plus bonuses will yield an obscene amount of resources to help fund your kingdom (and later the wonder) for the whole server. Early on the additional resources are a godsend. If you wish to make your 15 cropper or 9 cropper your capital, be my guest. I’ve been able to do it and be very successful. I just prefer my new method. Just don’t waste time and resources on building up the three non-wheats and their resource bonus buildings in a 15 cropper though.

Here’s an overview of what an ideal 13x13 might look like for a type-A Teuton gamer:
• At least one 15 cropper AND 9 cropper within your 9x9
• Wheat oasis’ within the 7x7 of those croppers
• Another 15 cropper AND 9 cropper within 13x13
• Varied oasis spots within 7x7 (one of each)
• 50%+ Teuton neighbors within 13x13
• More Romans than Gauls

Any decent variation of the above can be considered good for Teuton prosperity. Remember too that every good Teuton knows and appreciates that his initial success is directly related to the incompetence, negligence and inexperience of his neighbors. Don’t krap on that. Be firm but be consistent when you deal with them. If you make a promise, keep it. If you can find a way to be benevolent then do it. It keeps them from deleting and starting over somewhere else. Why let a kinder ruler take what rightfully belongs to you if your farms move? Also, when raiding them, don’t be greedy. Just send a few guys consistently instead of a lot of guys periodically. Every perfect parasite knows that it’s better to nibble lightly than to call too much attention to yourself by taking huge chunks from the flesh. Now on to the nitty-gritty.
To Quest or Not to Quest

For the experienced, the new quest system is an albatross of monstrous proportion. To the layman, quests will prove to be quite useful. The monotonous server beginning will be spiced up a bit for them. I did not follow the quest system from start to finish for fear that my eyeballs would combust causing my head to explode. I did however go far enough to receive two days of Travian Plus, gold, a rat and some extra resources (that I ended up spending on quest objectives mind you). From the leftovers I was able to train 2 or 3 Macemen. The problem is that it took a day and a half to get the Macemen out. I stopped the quest short when I was instructed to build up my remaining fields. I’ve seen everything I needed to see to make an educated guess on where the rest of my resources were going, especially without the use of an NPC merchant for lack of a marketplace. Enough was enough – Delete. (More on the quest system later)

Beginning Your Campaign

After starting over, I developed my type-A plan. The quickest way to begin raiding with minimal risk – assuming you’ve started 3 days late and most of your neighbors are out of bp:

Day One

*You start the server with 3k resources, that’s all you have to work with (and only in their current positions. No NPC merchant remember?)
**To make a bad situation worse if you make ONE false step, you could find yourself waiting for hours for any problems to correct themselves.
***Remember, there’s no FREE gold here to start so no extra wood, no Travian Plus, no offensive bonus right away etc.

NEW building steps and approximate times (rounded to the nearest ¼ hour) on normal servers:
1. Main Building lvl 2
(1 wheat) – 45 minutes
2. Rally Point lvl 1
(1 wheat) – 30 minutes
3. Main Building lvl 3
(1 wheat) – 60 minutes
4. Barracks lvl 1
(4 wheat) – 30 minutes
5. Two Macemen
(2 wheat) – 30 minutes

Requirements: Wood – 715; Clay – 565; Iron – 605; Wheat – 330
Don’t be alarmed by the wood requirement for a third maceman (810). Obviously you could wait the extra couple of hours necessary to get the third Maceman or you could play the odds and raid with only two. If you decide to raid with two then you must keep your raids to the sub 8-10 population Teutons. These opponents will most likely have no reinforcements – but it’s always a roll of the dice.

With 3 or more Maces raid Teuton and Roman villages and leave Gauls alone until you have scouts and enough Macemen to bust traps.

On the normal server you start the game with your wheat prod. at 10. The above steps call for the consumption of 10-wheat exactly (if you get the 3rd Maceman), leaving you with a prod. of 0. You’re ready to begin raiding in just 3.5 to 4 hours. Because there is no free gold right away, things will move slowly as you build one structure at a time.

NOTE: Obviously if you wanted to purchase gold you would be able to make use of the quick builds and Travian plus. You’d be able to use the NPC merchant as well. Things move much faster.

Once built, only upgrade your whse and granary as you need to. You should be building so many Maces that you don't have time to stock resources. Build your marketplace as quickly as you can. If you buy gold, be sure to use your resources quickly to build more maceman. If not, trade on the open market as best you can. By hours 8-10 after server start you should still be concentrating on building up your Maces.

Before the end of Day One (24 hours after server start), if you’ve purchased even the minimum gold, you want to get many of your prerequisites out of the way for your Townhall. We’ll hopefully be building that tomorrow. You should conservatively have 40-50 Maces already (some will have more, some less) and about 5 scouts. Your residence should be coming along as well. Before bed, send all of your troops (minus 1 scout if you’re on speed) to a far away 2-5 population village. Make sure the round trip is just about to end when you decide to log on in the morning. No doubt they will have great spoils there. Just make sure you can handle the resources when they return. All available resources should be spent (before bed) where possible on Townhall prerequ’s or more troops.

Of course those on normal servers will experience some delays. Don’t leave your troop queue active the first night if you’re going to break BP on speed. You don’t want them dead when you wake up.

More Quest notes

I do believe that the quest system has some value to more experience players but not at the games beginning. The best part about the quest system is the fact that it keeps everyone around you from building troops with the intensity that they would normally build with. With a population of 10, I attacked a population of 51 with 11 macemen and met only 2 legos and a rat. I lost one Maceman, and the enemy lost both the legos and the rat. Afterwards, you can strip the city bone dry and continue to do so because the once infertile land of your neighbors in times past is now flourishing earlier than ever because the quest system forces them to build up their fields on day one or two. I’ve worked this thing out on S7 and I have no reason to believe that it wouldn’t be even faster and more satisfying on speed server.

After that, everything else is standard fare and in the rest of the guide. Build up troops, raid, expand, terrorize etc. Right before you’ve dropped your second village, I would recommend doing the quests if you like, if not for the free gold then to get that annoying toon off your screen.

Raiding 101:

1. Your initial raids should be in groups of 3 or 4, at least until you start losing them to walls, defenders and enemy population growth.
2. As soon as you get a raid report send out another appropriately sized raiding party immediately if you got spoils.
3. If your report comes back empty and the round trip is an hour, you might as well send out one minimal raid for good measure.
4. If you get nothing a second time, let the city rest and recover for a few hours and repeat.
5. Take note of the release times of your neighbors from the beginner’s protection. Keep a running log so you can raid “IMMEDIATELY” when the protection drops. Set your alarm clocks and make sure you’re in a position to raid right away. Take good stock of your 20x20 and again, keep track of these times – your rivals will be. The raiding party for those that just come out of protection (and are still small enough to have built little infrastructure) I send between 55-75 mace at them, less if the distance is greater. This is to be able to get everything they have in one raid. I don't plan on sharing their resources with strangers. For populations of 2 all you need to send is 54 maces. Each mace will carry 59.23 resources from the maxed out 800 storage.

Psychology Behind Small Raiding Parties:

As mentioned at the outset, your goal is to keep villages from deleting and/or building against you. Sending large raiding parties of 10 or more Maces at a single target is just bad time management. It’s always better to collect 600 resources from 5 different targets than 600 from one target early on. The more targets you hit the better your odds are of getting good returns. What happens if you guess wrong on a raid and you send all 30 Maces at a single target and come up empty? Look at the time you’ve wasted. You’ve allowed your enemy to see exactly how many troops you have, you’ve allowed too much time for your neighbors to recover from your last raids, you’ve given rivals time to raid your neighbors and get resources that you should have at LEAST been able to share and last but not least you’ve got to wait for your whole raiding army to come back home before you can relaunch....waste!

Day Two – Party Time

Your raiding party should be arriving shortly. Check the logs for any attacks. If there are, don’t panic or become belligerent. Don’t contact the offender. Take note of anything missing. Check your messages. Do not respond to flamers. Those that seek mercy should be respected but declined. Be empathetic but continue raiding. Promise to “take a breather” or “choose other targets before I raid again” and stuff like that. It will placate them into sticking it out a while longer.

Nothing is more important today than getting this party started. Parties expensive so there’s no time for small talk. You have to raid quick & often. Be sure to have 5 scouts at home at all times and another 10 scouting your neighbors.

Normal servers are gonna take about 3 or 4 parties to get a second city. Speed only one. Much of your success will depend on how many neighbors you have, especially within your 7x7. Remember, you don’t have any fields built up except for maybe a couple of woodcutters on lvl 1 and a clay on lvl 1.

When your pre-requisites are completed for the Townhall you have to be sure you have enough storage throw the party and to build settlers.

Conservative estimates by the end of day 2: (with decent farming ground and avoiding the loss or overflow of resources – of course normal speed servers with no gold may be a bit behind.)

• Residence: lvl 10 (fast approaching lvl 10 on normal)
• Wheat fields: Appropriate level to allow building and upgrading of structures
• Barracks: Normal lvl 5 / Speed lvl 1-3
• Maces: 100-125
• Scouts: 5-10
• Academy: lvl 10
o Researches: Scouts only!
• Main Building: lvl 10
• Townhall: lvl 1 (1st party well under way on speed, probably just getting started on Normal)
• Woodcutters: Three or four at lvl 1 on Normal
• Clay: Three at lvl 1 on Normal
• No walls, no embassies, no NAPs, no shenanigans
Day Three – Loadin’ Up the Wagon

Day three is an exciting day because it’s time to pack. Whether you’re on speed or normal you know the 2nd village is coming. Whatever you’ve fallen behind on building from day 2 then finish it. Keep raids going and scouts on the move. If you haven’t started your party yet do it today for sure. Check your records to make sure of who’s coming out of protection. Continue to ignore the flamers and ingratiate the farms. Also, pay close attention to alliances forming in your area. You will be recruited undoubtedly. Tell them you’ll seriously consider it and thank them for asking. Right now you just want to concentrate on “getting your village running”. If you see alliances forming, concentrate many of your raids on leadership. Don’t let them get off the ground. They will threaten and yell and tell you about the cata’s they’re going to build against you and remind you that there’s one of you and 5 of them and blah blah blah. The point is that the server just started and they have nothing and they won’t have anything because you won’t let them. One strategy they like to use is to reinforce a member to try and kill your troops. Make sure to scout the leaders and members before attacking.

Conservative Kingdom estimates by the end of day 3: (with decent farming ground and avoiding the loss or overflow of resources)

• Two or Three settlers (One or Two on normal servers)
• 150-200 Maces (under exceptional conditions)
• Barracks: Normal lvl 8 / Speed lvl 5
• Market: about lvl 5 only on normal servers (to prepare for transfers to second village)
• Scouts: 20
• Townhall: (Perhaps 2nd party on speed, possible 1st ending on normal)
• No walls, no embassies, researches, no NAPs, no shenanigans

Day Four – Movin’ Day

Speed server players should be ready to settle their next village, Normal server guys are still be a day or two away, depending on how early you were able to start your first party, and that’s fine. You should still be raiding non-stop and you’ve got enough Maces now to do two hour round trip raids. You honestly shouldn’t be receiving any incoming attacks. You may receive an occasional attack from outside your 20x20. These attacks will probably be from far away alliance mates of your farms within your 13x13. Normally these attacks are no more than 3 or 4 light infantry. No one wants to spend the first week of a server defending anybody so the attacks will be half-hearted just so they can say that they obeyed their leaders. If you are receiving heavy fire then you’re probably doing something wrong. Do an honest observation of yourself and ask a few questions:
1. Am I being aggressive enough?
2. Have I allowed raiders to take too many resources?
3. Have I allowed sleep, work or my small children to encroach upon Travian’s #1 place in my life?

If the answer to any one of these questions is “yes” ... fix it!

Make sure your next party is going as soon as your previous party stops. Once you do settle your second village, make sure you build your rally point right away to watch for incoming attacks. Also, reinforce the village with a few scouts.

Choosing Your Second Village

I’ve debated this topic over and over and I’ve changed my views at least once on the issue. Here is my current conclusion on the matter. If you can look at your 13x13 and honestly evaluate that there is no legitimate rival for you within that space, you can take any square you’d like. If you have a 15 cropper or 9 cropper nearby you have the luxury of waiting or you can take it now. If you don’t take a cropper, make sure that the square you choose is either touching your current village OR moving in the direction of your future cropper – especially on normal servers. Teuton merchants are too slow to have a scattered kingdom, especially early on. You want your Kingdom in a tight box-like formation for easy moving of resources and defenders.

Personally, I try to always choose a 5 clay square second. I do this because the demand for clay is so great early on especially when building woodcutters, crop, cavalry etc.


For a third village I try to find an adjacent 5 woodcutter which will help when building structures and eventual defenders. My fourth village is either my cropper or my future capital 4x4x4x6. This is an advanced technique and should not be entered into lightly. On a normal speed server I’d probably end up taking my cropper third but no later than fourth depending on the level of competition in my area and the distance it is from my current stronghold.

I DO NOT SETTLE SQUARES WHERE FARMS HAVE DELETED. That's because the game will quickly respawn you a new farm in that hole. There's no worse feeling than having a farm delete that's directly next to you. But, there's nothing better than waking up and having a new roomate in the morning because you left the space unattended. Those spaces will be a revolving door of farms for you for at least the first quarter of the server. Eventually someone will decide to either stick it out, agree to pay tribute or just abandon the village out of frustration. Either way you win.

Risks/Rewards to Consider When You Don’t Choose a Cropper Second:

To be fair, it should be noted that waiting until your third of fourth village to settle a 15 or 9 cropper runs the serious risk of someone else settling it. If you assume this risk then you understand that you have a responsibility to stop all production and build your catapult infrastructure if someone does settle it under your nose. This will cause you to lose significant time and create other risk factors. On speed this should take you about a day but on normal about 2 or 3 days. To get the cropper back, you have to raid the cropper incessantly (and the supply village) to hinder the building of a palace, assemble your clearing squad, build the Cata Infrastructure (including prerequisites and a lvl 20 Rally Point), build at least 20 catas and gather the settlers necessary to populate the village once you’ve destroyed everything in it. This could include building the prerequisites for the settlers in another village if you don’t already have them. I’ve been in this position and it’s not fun, but I overcame it.

Note too that in the meantime, your farms have been left to their own devices and they could make best use of that time by putting up crannies, joining alliances, forming pacts and assembling an offensive against you. You’re not really able to concentrate on raiding efficiently or building more barrack levels and raid infantry. Then you’ll have to factor in the time it will take for you to continually send your catapults back and forth to this village. How far away is it? Do you lose any troops or catas in the process? How long to replace them?

Well with all that risk, what’s the reward? I believe the reward for waiting to settle a cropper until your third of fourth village lies in your immediate ability to fund and build up your cropper once you get it. With 3 or 4 supply villages at your disposal you will be able to quickly and efficiently build up your cropper right away. You won’t have to wait or uses gross amounts of gold. The faster your fields come up the faster you can begin working on your Hammer Infrastructure.

Risks/Rewards to Consider When You Do Choose a Cropper Second:

Choosing a cropper as your second village (especially a 15) puts a lot more pressure on you to do one of two things – either raid more if that’s even possible and/or consistently “who-re” gold. The fact that your first village is supported entirely by raiding and your second village (the 15 cropper) only has one of each resource that you won’t be upgrading anyway, you have to be able to sustain your existence at least for another week and a half on a normal server by strictly raiding. If raid conditions are ideal then this shouldn’t sting much. But if you’ve all of a sudden got rivals for your farms or farms with 8 crannies you’re in a bit of a pickle. No doubt your first village is running at negative crop already.

In addition, your 15 cropper needs resources too if it’s ever going to be the uber offensive village you wish it to be. You could find yourself falling behind in a major way and micromanaging the resources you are bringing in to provide crop for your troops and build wheat fields and Crop Infrastructure (whse, market, granary, flour mill) in your 15 cropper. Once you build the crops up you’ll have to use the market or the NPC merchant to even out your resources to build your Settlement/Party Infrastructure (see below) for your third village... and as you’ll see below, it’s pretty expensive. But if you decide to use your first village to settle your third village (upgrading your Residence to lvl 20 and forgoing the upgrade of your cropper) it will cost you about 4 times the amount you would spend going the Settlement/Party Infrastructure (in your cropper) way. Also, if you don’t upgrade your second village right away then you’ll have to throw “big” parties in your first village to compensate for the Townhall you would have built in your second village. That means upgrading your first Townhall to level 10 and then having to wait twice as long for the parties to finish paying three-four times as much.

Well with all that risk, what’s the reward? The security in knowing that you’ll probably have that cropper until the end of the server. It’s an underrated feeling. Having your ability to build your army secured by landing the cropper is just priceless. And if you choose to use a lot of gold, you can start to build the cropper up at a pretty nice clip.

As you can see, there are pros and cons to both philosophies. You can choose whichever fits your style.

(yeah I know it’s long, just shut up and keep reading.)
Day Five – Farmer’s in the Dell

Time to build up the fields in your first village. The faster you get those up the easier it will be to expand. Personally I build up all of the fields to level 4. Then from there I take one woodcutter to lvl 10. I do the same for clay and then for iron a bit later. Once I get wood and clay to 10 I build the bonus buildings up to lvl 2 or 3. I also think about upgrading my storage buildings to full capacity if not at least to lvl 18, you still can’t afford to overflow resources.

Using some supplies from the first village I upgrade the second village. Because it’s a clay village for me I begin to think about using the village for producing a clay heavy troop in the future. Perhaps this will be my defensive TK depot or my first cata factory? At any rate I’ll be upgrading the 2nd village initially with a Settlement infrastructure that includes a lvl 10 residence and a lvl 1 Townhall. Soon I will have nonstop parties in both my cities. This is how I begin most villages. Here are the minimum requirements for building the Settlement/Party infrastructure immediately in a new village:

• Rally Point lvl 1
• Market lvl 1
• Main Building lvl 10
• Academy lvl 10
• Whse lvl 10
• Granary lvl 10
• Residence lvl 10
• Townhall lvl 10
• Party – small (continuous)
• Settlers 3
o You will have to feed all of this so you’re looking at about an 80-90 crop need here. Minimally you should upgrade every wheat field to lvl 2. This should yield you 90+ crop in the village. You could forgo some of the fields and just upgrade your fields to lvl 1 and one to lvl 5 and build/upgrade a flour mill.
o This whole process will take about 190k – have fun!

Day Six – Enjoy Your Creation

You should be the first in your area with a 2nd village. You should also be 1 of about 4 on the whole server that has reached this accomplishment. It’s important to revel only for a moment because this fact puts an arrow on your back. You’ve got to hit your neighbors pretty hard for the next day or so. You don’t want them feeling like they can attack your second village. By this time you should have about 400-500 Maces and both villages should be throwing parties. Keep an eye on your Culture Points. Be ready to settle your third village once you’ve reached the requirements.

Do not stop raiding. Look for those coming out of beginner’s protection. Begin researching Pali’s in your first village. This will extend your raiding range and capacity. Now is not the time to begin troop upgrades of any kind. Just concentrate on raiding your neighbors, tracking those coming out of protection, raiding the new neighbors and establishing your dominance.

By the end of day six, you should have your Settlement Infrastructure in your second village just about complete. Use the subsequent days to throw continuous parties in all villages and continue this pattern and expand another village every couple of days. Remember to keep a tight formation and to continue raiding without let up. Once you reach 5 or 6 villages I would recommend (for my playing style) this configuration if at all possible:

• Village One - 4x4x4x6: Primary raiding village (soon to be phased out to primary supply) – Raiding (2000+ Maces, 400+ Palis) / Supply
• Village Two - 5 clayer: Preliminary Cata Base with small escort / Clay Supply
• Village Three - 5 woodcutter: Scouts / Future Defensive Infantry Base / Wood Supply
• Village Four – 4x4x4x6: Capital / Future Defensive Cavalry / Heavy Supply
• Village Five – 15 cropper: Hammer Headquarters (Axe, TK, Ram) / Heavy Assault
• Village Six – 9 cropper: Future Permanent Raiding Den (Mace, Pali, Rams) / Light Assault

After your initial 6 or 7 villages have been specialized, the rest of the villages in your kingdom will simply serve as some kind of supply depot. Whether it’s resources, defensive infantry, defensive TK’s etc. you’ll be supplying your kingdom quickly and efficiently. The majority of your villages when you’ve reached about 20 or so should serve a dual purpose of resource supply and defensive infantry. I hardly ever go past 25 villages unless a chief opportunity proves too lucrative. 30+ villages serves as a weakness for Teutons I believe. The more villages I have, the more I have to tend, upgrade and defend. My life as a Teuton revolves around keeping my 20x20 in check and supporting my alliance, not transferring resources from village 30 to village 35 etc. to avoid overflows. It's hard enough managing the negative crop without extra burdens. Also, you’ll want some villages with good crop capacity to store your offensive overflow in from your Hammer Headquarters. This will be explained later.


This topic is very important and it's probably crossing your mind about now as the nights get longer and longer. Personally, I don’t use sitters. For my playing style I find that they do more harm than good – especially in the games first half. There are some instances during the course of a server where I wish I had one, if only to spell me during the wee hours of the night. If you do decide to take on a sitter, keep in mind that you’ll be giving a LOT of power to someone whom you’ve more than likely never met. The penalties for being a bad Sitter range from being fired to being banned – all from a make believe game world that ultimately means nothing. So it’s important to get a Sitter that cares about your success almost as much as you. It’s best if your Sitter doesn’t share your time zone range. When you’re asleep you want them awake. A sitter is of little value if their sleeping when you’re sleeping.

• Sitters come in many flavors. Two taste good (Mirror Image and Devoted Apprentice) all other flavors taste like varying combinations of pralines and doo doo.

o Mirror Image Sitters (MIS): Experienced players that are intelligent enough to follow your wishes and assertive enough to anticipate your needs. MIS’s won’t allow your storage to overflow and they won’t let your Axe production falter. They’ll know how to use the Village stat model and will be frugal with the NPC Merch. They’ll even kick in the little to purchase 30 gold to keep your hammer from starving in an emergency. You can trust them with large tasks like raiding operations and settling. It really can be liberating, freeing up a couple of hours for your real life roommates like your wife and kids.

There are some drawbacks. Because of their confidence and Travian skill, MIS’s always have the potential to do “too much”. How annoying is it to be logged in at the same time as your sitter? Screens changing, troops moving and resources disappearing. MIS’s are also nosey because of their competitive nature. They’ll read your messages and study all your logs. Also, sometimes they don’t pay attention to the “details” that you put in the instruction igm, such as villages that you DON’T raid. Perhaps you have an agreement with a village to not raid them for a day or two or if you receive tribute from another village. These are all beautiful things that can be ruined if not respected. I like to put a link on my preferences that says “DO NOT ATTACK – XYZ Village xx|xx” for all villages that send me tribute. Sometimes even if I point this out, the MIS will acknowledge it and eventually attack anyway. Not purposely out of spite, just out of pure, blind zeal for raiding. Also, MIS’s have their own Kingdom’s to deal with and may at times do things for you in a “half-hearted” kinda way. Not purposely out of spite, just out of pure, blind zeal for their Kingdoms.

o Devoted Apprentice Sitters (DA): Players that just want to be a part of what you’ve got going on. They recognize that you can help them learn and are willing to listen intently. They sometimes sacrifice their Kingdom’s well being to make sure your Kingdom thrives. DA’s follow directions implicitly. There is no variation from your standing orders. They will be diligent day and night when you need them. They will not use your armies or resources for personal gain or against their personal enemies. When you return to your Kingdom, everything you’ve asked to be done will be done to the best of their ability. If something went askew, you will have a full report message waiting as well.

DA drawbacks can sometimes outweigh their desirable qualities. DA’s are inexperienced, sometimes very much so. The fact that they follow directions exactly as you lay them out is underscored by their inability to “think on the fly” or troubleshoot/investigate a situation. This makes them easy to rattle and confuse because they lack the confidence to improvise. If you receive an incoming attack they will probably panic and clear the village of all troops and resources OR stack the village with troops and wheat to defend. The problem is that all this is done before assessment of the situation is made. Who’s attacking? What is their population? What is their race? Is it just one attack on one village or a more organized attempt? Is the target village a “high priority target?” How fast is the attack coming – infantry? Seige? Cavalry? Is it an enemy alliance or an ally who made a mistake? Would it be smart to contact them or send a counterstrike? Too many details for the DA to deal with.

All things considered, I’d rather have a DA. I run my account competently enough. All I need my sitter to do is follow directions I leave and report the results. I prefer that my sitter NOT be responsible for raiding, unless I’m in need of a resource boost for a special initiative. Also, do yourself a favor and only use Sitters that are in your alliance. If they’re DA’s make sure if they join an alliance, then they get dropped. You don’t want to be the leak that allowed the enemy to pick up the war strategies.
Going Forward

When the server is about 25% complete you should have about 10 villages conservatively. By this time your first 5 villages should have maxed out fields at level 10 and the rest shouldn’t be far behind. You’re storage in your initial villages should be AT LEAST at 160k capacity depending on your needs. There still shouldn’t be many within your 13x13 with a second village in the area. Some of your neighbors may have second villages like 300 squares away in a place they plan on moving. If your neighbors do have second or third villages you should be working on chiefing their non captials immediately. After about village 7 or 8 I stop building settlers (but I always keep 3 around just in case an opportunity arises) if I’ve secured my local croppers. From that point on I stack as many chiefs as I can. The rest of my Kingdom will be gifts from my neighbors.

When you Chief someone, you want it done in a matter of seconds not minutes. From clear to cata to chiefs to 2nd clear to reins to resupply – the process should take less than 5 seconds. Here’s an example:

For biggun’ enemy croppers, first send a flurry of 5 or 6 fakes to all enemy villages and real attacks to oasis points to set up a smoke screen before and after the strike. If you’re in an alliance, get them to do it too with the same approximate land time.
scout (3000 scouts)
2. clear at 4:00:00 am
3. cata residence at 4:00:02 am (at the latest)
4. 2 chiefs from one village at 4:00:03am
5. 2 chiefs from 2nd village at 4:00:03am
6. 2nd clear at 4:00:03 am
7. 2 chiefs from 3rd village or 1 chief from 3rd and 1 from 4th village at 4:00:04am
(inhabitants now enjoy my rulership)
8. Wheat shipment of 80k at 4:00:05am
9. 30k accumulated reins from my own stash (and that of my alliance mates) between 4:00:10 and 4:01:00
10. 3k defensive scouts by 4:05:00am at the latest.
11. Incoming reins/scouts and wheat for the next 12 hours from friends and family to kill hammers and enemy chiefs if they retaliate and those of their alliance mates.
12. I'll spend the next 48 hours taking down wood/clay/iron bonus buildings and fields (because I know they've wasted resources on them) and erecting granaries.

Smaller scale conquers follow the same basic formula just on a well... smaller scale. There’s a little more margin for error as well.

Choosing Alliances

Joining an alliance is something that should be done when you’ve established yourself as the ruler of your 13x13. Any alliance that tries to recruit you too quickly (and doesn’t know you from another server) doesn’t deserve to have you. They’re an upstart alliance and they’re looking to gather a bunch of friends so they don’t have to play hard. In my experience, these alliances never last long or grow at a snails pace. Whenever you have an amalgamation of alliance and NAP mates in the same area you can stick a street sign on it because it’s definitely a sim city block. Preferably, you want your 13x13 (at least) free of friends. This is your life blood for most of the server.

Only join an alliance that is determined to win the Wonder race, preferably one that’s done it before. No one with sights set on disturbing others who want to win the Wonder race or who just “want to have fun.” If you want to win a server, picking the right alliance is crucial. It’s also important to make sure that you’re alliance does at least have a decent presence in your quadrant...not your immediate area necessarily.

And don’t be afraid to go it alone for a while. Be the belle of the ball. Allow the best alliances to court you. You just have to be taking care of business militarily and all good things will come.

Joining an Alliance

Once you join an alliance (preferably with a high offensive ranking), follow the rules. Do your best to be loyal and helpful where you can. If a call goes out for reins and resources then supply them when you can. If the destination is over 100 squares away – don’t bother sending them. Some people like to build villages hundreds of miles away so they can either Sim City or escape being farmed. I don’t support them. Especially on the slower normal servers.

Don’t be intimidated by leadership. Feel free to speak your mind and offer your opinion. Don’t let anyone talk down to you or give you rude orders or nonsensical duties or chores. Be more than a cog. Make a difference. Follow all reasonable requests and make your self available. Participate in group chats and voice chats if possible. Be invaluable.

Make sure your alliance mates don’t get comfortable enough to just settle in your 7x7 though.

Leaving an Alliance

If you feel like you have to leave an alliance, try to do so on the best terms. The last thing you want to do is have a competent veteran alliance focusing on you for a couple of days. Be sure to refrain from attacking former alliance mates, even if you join a rival alliance. Make it clear that you’ll only attack in retaliation but you will not attack a former alliance mate unprovoked. If you have far away villages in your alliances stronghold, as soon as you leave, send some resources from that village over to the largest player in the general area. When he asks why you did it, either offer the village to him outright or just state something about no hard feelings about leaving and how you still respect the alliance. That goes a long way with your former family and will be appreciated. If your new alliance wants you (which they will) they will respect this as well. It’s not tribute. It’s politics Travian-style.

Culture Points

Culture Points (CP) are as important as anything in Travian. They decide whether you can settle, conquer or help chief villages. Did you know that if you don’t have enough CP that you can’t even help an alliance mate chief a village? The fastest way to get CP is to throw parties and by mid-server you should be throwing the Big Parties non-stop in all of your villages replacing the small parties you’ve been doing where possible. Another way to get more CP is to keep expanding your kingdom through conquering already existing villages. Each structure you build within your Kingdom produces CP as well, some more than others. The best sources of CP are maxed lvl 20: Embassies, Markets, Trade Offices, Townhalls, Palaces, Academies and Workshops.

Of course I carry a market in each city but in my assault cities I do not carry unnecessary structures that would take away from my storage capacity or military flexibility. Be sure to include as many of the Infrastructure buildings in your supply villages though. Each of my supply villages has an Embassy, Market, Trade Office, Townhall and Academy. That’s 700+ CP in addition to the other structures in the village just for one day. Multiply that by 20-30 cities and add in your parties from 90% of those cities and you’ve got more than enough CP


Keep your troops on the move. Your hammer is your second most prized possession next to your raiding army. Your hammer should never be used until something needs to be ... hammered. Preferably you want to use it in conjunction with the chiefing of a cropper or the offensive against an alliance enemy. Don’t waste it on stupid stuff and don’t tip your hand by leaving it to be scouted. When you send it out at night, make sure the round trip will finish about an hour after you plan to wake up. Leaves some time for you to oversleep or take a dump in the morning. Also, only raid single, obviously abandoned villages with no alliance affiliation when you’re moving your hammer.

Carrying more than a -50k wheat capacity is just plain crazy in any village unless you’re attacking with the full strength of your hammer. If you carry 7 granaries at full capacity then that 560k of wheat storage. After 11 hours your starving. You’ve got to be able to go away for 11 hours before checking in. For the troops over the 50k limit, you’d be better served by taking 2-3k of the cavalry troops and reinforcing your own nearby villages with adequate wheat. The further away the reinforcement village the faster the troop. You don’t want to send your siege away. Nobody’s got time to wait for those to return. You want to be able to reassemble your hammer within less than a half hour if possible. Definitely no longer than 45 minutes to an hour – and that’s pushing it.

Quick Hits:
-Tournament Squares should be built in all villages that produce troops – defensive or offensive.
-I don’t even research, let alone start building Axe’s until my cropper is up and running. What’s the point before that? They’re not a raid unit for me and my hammer is made a bit in the future.
-I don’t care when troops die. Especially Maces on speed. They’re built every 41 seconds and only cost 250 resources. You can produce 2100+ per day with minimal effort. That’s what makes Macemen perfect for secondary assault. They’re trained to die – especially when the percentages stack.


Keep the parties going and make sure all of your villages (except your croppers) have trade offices for moving massive amounts of resources when needed. Nothing is more frustrating when a chiefing opportunity comes and you don’t have enough CP to pull it off.
Blacksmiths, Academies and Armories

Academies should be fully researched in every village with the exception of catapults. All infantry, cavalry, rams and chiefs should be researched. Once it’s of no more value, Academies should be taken down. Remember that this could come back to bite you because the Academy is the prerequisite of many military buildings.

In most villages you won’t have to take the Blacksmith past level 3. Only build these when they are prerequisites or when you’re building a troop that needs them. Once it’s maxed out to level 20 for whatever purpose then tear it down with your cata’s. As far as Armories go, for safeties sake, if I build defensive infantry in a particular village, I will not only upgrade the defensive infantry to 20 but also the defensive cavalry as well.

[Hero] es

I make ONE hero and I stick with him. I don’t make a Mace hero then an axe one and then a cavalry one. All kill points will go to ONE hero, making his ascension quicker. For the Gauls I use a Thunder. For Romans I use an EI. For Teutons I use the ... Pali. I know most people use the TK and I have no problem with this. To me the one speed point makes a difference. When I send my Pali’s out to a big raid or minor assault I don’t want them slowed even a smidgen.

When I send out my hammer, I play the percentages game not the attack rating. Before I do anything else, I raise my hero’s regeneration with the first 5 xp I get. I’d prefer he recover quickly. Then I add to the offensive bonus until it reaches 20%. If I get a big score, I’ll put more in the regeneration up to 100 or a bit short of 200. After reaching 20% offensive bonus I add to Attack rating and regeneration. I hardly ever take the regeneration past 600. After the Attack rating is maxed out I’ll hit the defensive bonus to 20% and then whatever’s left over after that


It’s been touched on a bit but I want to come back around and talk more about the hammer and different views I’ve come across. It’s important that a Hammer be not only big but max leveled. There is absolutely no excuse for creating a hammer without eventual max upgrades. It’s irresponsible and unnecessarily reckless for your Kingdom AND your alliance. When people follow behind you with precious siege weapons, crop and reins ready to storm a major target, they’re looking for your hammer to do its job which is to CLEAR EVERYTHING. If your hammer is wiped (which it probably will be) you better have wiped the enemy clean. If you don’t have confidence in your hammer’s ability to do that based on the scouting reports then send your secondary assault team behind it (separated by a 2 seconds or less) to clean up the rif raff.

A typical Teuton hammer will be maxed at lvl 20 blacksmith for each group. It will look like this:

1 Cavalry [Hero] (20% offensive bonus)
40k Axemen
15k TK’s
600-1k rams

Don’t let anyone fool you. That is the typical hammer. Some will boast of larger numbers and I’ve seen a few twice this size but for the most part people don’t have the patience to wait that long. But, if you want to do real damage to a top 5 player, Natar village or Wonder structure, your hammer will look more like this:

1 Cavalry [Hero] (20% offensive bonus)
75k Axemen
30-40k TK’s
3-4k rams


Only n00b alliances go to war in the beginning of the game. Don’t get involved in that garbage, it only hinders your growth allowing your neighbors to do whatever they want. Real wars are fought in quarter 3 of a normal server. These are really good fun and if you’re smart will pay off big time in the way of new villages and a bigger Alliance presence. I’ve fought in wars that last a week, a month or 5 months. The key is to survey the scene and be as active and helpful as possible. This is what you’ve been preparing yourself for. By third quarter you’ve probably got about 40k in lvl 20 spears, at least 10k lvl 20 def. TK’s, another 10 def Pali’s (aside from your raiders) and a good sized lvl 20 hammer (assuming you only have one cropper). Be quick to reinforce/restock your mates. Sacrifice your hammer for a great cause but the cause doesn’t have to be sexy as long as it’s important.


By the fourth quarter of the server I usually only have tribute farms and 3 or 4 major ones left that produce an obscene amount of resources every day. They’re normally abandoned villages or Sim players. One round I was next to an abandoned first village of a player that had rebuilt hundreds of squares away. Every day I got over 500k resources from this village and it was right next to my Hammer Headquarters. That was unbelievable.

Most of your villages at this point need to start moving over to defensive infantry duty. One other village should be devoted to scouts for a total of two now. One or two village for TK’s. These should all be lvl 20 defense as well. We’re preparing for two things. The Wonder race and sneaky enemies from far away that will claim “hammer suicide to make room for their own defensive troops” when the hammer is killed. They’ll even send you igm’s that thank you for dispatching their “secondary hammer” so they can start building defense. I don’t even bother responding. The label on the attack log says it best, “None of your soldiers returned”.

Once your alliance secures the Wonder sites and both sets of plans, you have an obligation to give everything you have to make that Wonder build successful. Of course some Wonder teams aren’t as swift as others and some do things like begin building too fast without the proper storage capacity in place... but that’s neither here nor there. Don’t volunteer to babysit the Wonder if your not willing to either spend money on gold for your own Wonder feeders or put in the time commitment which involves avoiding starvation every 3 hours or so.

galia in travian

This guide is for player’s who have a good understanding of the game, and this is the way I have played as gaul on many servers with great success. I’m not saying this is the best guide you will find, and it may be completely different to many other top players, but it’s how I’ve consistently been a top 100 player on many servers including Germany, Italy, U.S. and .com. First of all you need a great understanding of a teutons style of play, it will help a lot if you’re an
aggressive teuton player. As a gaul these are you’re biggest rival so you will need to know exactly how they work. I’m an aggressive teuton at heart but play gaul because of one unit the almighty Theutates Thunder (TT). Having these early will strike fear into the hearts of teutons without spears and own roman’s with no walls and high cost troops.

I’ll just go into a little more details about these guys to get everyone into the mindset that these guys are macemen for gaul’s, only stronger and faster and should be treated just like kamikaze macemen. I’ve heard people say that these guys are expensive early on because they take over 14 successful raids to pay for themselves, and the maceman takes a little over 4 successful raids. However, what you're forgetting is that they are nearly 3 times faster so by the time macemen are on his 5th raid for profit, the TT will be close to his 14th. So really they aren’t that expensive after all. Travian has a lot to do with TIME and often people forget this, I’ll show more examples of this throughout this guide. Back onto the TT, Once you finally get these guys into production you can match the growth of a teuton, They are the best raiders in the game by making more res per hour than any other unit, but their defense is low so don’t keep these guys at home, keep them out raiding continuously. If your TT's are just sitting there they are loosing you recourses, each TT can make at least 50 resources per hour with bad farming if you have 100 that’s 5000 resources per hour minimum wasted. This is why you can benefit greatly as a dual. If you want to be a top 20 gaul you need to have your account as close you can to 24/7 active. For this guide to be really successful it will require you to be very active, most of the time I’ve used this strategy playing a dual account.

Gaul Troops
These are the core of the Gaul’s defense as they dominate early game defense being the cheapest defense units to build eventually being phased out in defense by roman praetorians later on in the game. They are terrible at attack but unfortunately need to be used for raiding at startup before TT’s,

Most powerful infantry of Gaul’s, 5 attack points more than a teuton axemen, but 5 points less than a roman imperian. However, they build a lot faster than imperians and in the time it takes to build 3 imperians a gaul can build 4 swords. Faster production will matter later in the game with your hammer when you have both level 20 barracks and level 20 great barracks queued for the next 24hrs. They're also great for attacking teutons with their poor infantry defense.

They're faster than the roman and teuton scout but 2 wheat consumption sucks, if possible do a trade with a teuton to get their 1 wheat scout to defend your village.

Theutates Thunder
No 1 raider. Without this unit gaul’s would be nothing, they are responsible for a lot of your income you can never have enough of these, raid everywhere get a tournament square and raid the quadrant, a swarm of these can put even the most experienced player in a state of panic.

Combine these with Phalanx for defense. Their speed make’s them great for fast defense for allies, way better than Paladin defense wise.

This strong cavalry unit is not as strong as TK’s but not far off. Use these in your hammer with swords and don’t fall into the trap of using TT’s for your main hammer as I have seen many people do this. You can build these in around the same time as a TT and you’ve got 50 more attack points. Their strong cavalry defense means you shouldn’t have many gaul’s hitting you with a fast attack of TT’s. This also makes them great for fast defense of allies.

The weakest attack power of all the tribes this doesn’t mean a lot because you don’t attack with only ram’s, as it’s always accompanied with troops. What this does mean though is you should never use gaul’s to build a WW Wall Destroyer because less of them will get through.

Gaul catapult’s have great attack points over teutons, this makes gauls great for building a WW Hammer more about this later.

These cost more than other tribes chiefs and is less effective in lowering loyalty but if cost is an issue then you shouldn’t be building them yet, move’s faster than other chiefs but doesn’t outweigh the higher cost and lower effectiveness in loyalty.

Cheaper than other settler unit’s but not enough to make much of a difference

Gaul’s are the masters of speed and are the most balanced tribe, they aren’t the best defenders overall or the best attacker’s overall but they can play either aggressive or defensive successfully.

Starting your new Gaul account
As a gaul I like to start my account the day it begins you want to wait about an hour, this is so I can be a bit away from the center of the map. Your farming grounds will eventually be further away so being as far out as possible will help. Your starting position is very important but because you’ve started so early a lot of it will be left up to chance, what you want is a lot of roman’s, a few tuetons, and not many gaul’s. Don’t worry about croppers at this stage, but a few oasis in your area wouldn’t hurt, once you are happy with the area you can begin.

Timeline’s here are for normal speed unless stated adjust accordingly for speed

Days 1-3 while in BP
This is the easy part, just follow the quest. Using gold for the production bonuses will make it a bit quicker. When you get up to the quest where your waiting for the rat to arrive upgrade more fields to 1 as you will have to do this later on. Choose the military option but don’t do the final quest telling you to upgrade all field to 2, instead build more phalanx

Days out of BP
As a gaul the very first thing you want are TT’s and the journey to get them will be very time consuming and tedious, here is the best way I’ve found to get them. If you’re playing a dual you should be aiming to get these 6-7 days after the start of a normal speed server. Raid, raid, raid with phalanx, don’t build any fields as they are useless, here’s why.
Raising a wheat field from level 1 to level 2 will cost 415 recourses for a gain of 4 res per hr
Training a phalanx will cost 315 recourses and will make about 20 res per hr (assuming that the average raid is roughly a 90min return trip)
So even though phalanx are shocking as raiders they still bring in 5x more res than fields. Because or their poor attack points you don’t want to encounter troops so raid inactive’s with a pop under 9 so you can be sure there are no troops or rats. The best way I’ve found is to send them on a constant loop to all the inactive’s. 3 at a time will stop teutons from raiding them. If a teuton keeps getting minimal bounty from an inactive they usually give up. That’s probably not going to be enough to get you your TT’s fast. Next have a look at all the teutons in your area and look up their offensive rateing. If they have a few attack points you can be sure they are out raiding. That’s a good thing as it means they most likely have killed the rats and troops at the roman’s villages. Now you can put romans on your raiding list but don’t hit them as often as the inactive’s. You don’t want them deleting. If you’re in an alliance this early keep an eye on the attack logs at what the teutons are raiding. Usually they don’t mind you raiding their farms since you are hardly taking anything anyway. Only build enough phalanx as you need to get your TT’s a fast as possible you don’t want an army of phalanx for raiding and keep them on the move all the time send them on long raids when you need to sleep. Early on you want to get your marketplace built so you can use NPC merchant to redistribute you res, and once that is built then build an embassy, this is not for the purpose of joining an alliance yet this is for the 5CP it makes each day, I would wait till you get a 2nd village then join an alliance in the top 10.

If a teuton comes to visit you’re village don’t defend the attack just make sure he goes home empty handed, you only need to have your cranny at a level where you can protect yourself. If he continues coming back over and over and getting nothing bite your tongue and get ready for the day you turn the tide with your TT’s. As much as you will want to research and build swords to fight back stick with the TT plan it will be much more satisfying.
TT’s have arrived
The day you get your first TT’s into production will be very satisfying and time to gain ground on those teutons. Continue raiding with phalanx and TT’s until you have around 10 of them. Then research scouts and build a hero’s mansion and make a TT hero more about this later. If you are being harassed by a teuton you’ve finally got the power now to stick it to him here’s how to do it.

Build a trapper to about level 3 with 30 traps wait for that teuton to arrive, make sure to have just a few phalanx but not too many as it’s pointless defending an army of 200. When he comes trap his troops and he will then send more troops to free them. Wait for 90 secs (so the attack isn’t canceled) and release the imprisoned troops. Then 1 second after you’ve released them send your TT hero and a few TT’s (not all of them incase he has strong defense) and 1 phalanx to slow them all down. If all goes well he will see the attack and assume it’s an army of phalanx hopefully he will bring in more macemen to defend. Then BOOM you hit him with your TT’s and wipeout all the released mace’s and hopefully more. Meanwhile back at your village you capture more mace’s and release them to chase them home and make sure your TT’s hit 1 sec after they land back at his home. Then raid him every few minute’s or so with 5 TT’s for the next hour until you start losing them to spears (this is not so much for recourses it’s to wipe out their army and demoralize them). By using this technique on one server 1 was able to wipe out 300 macemen using only 30 TT’s. If you want to take out more teutons always send 1 phalanx with TT’s for the first attack. They often try to defend the attack with mace’s not knowing it’s TT’s. The earlier you have TT’s the better this works as they don’t expect TT’s for a few weeks into the server.

Second Village
To get your 2nd village you need 2000CP on normal speed so focus on getting a town hall built and throwing your 1st party. Slowly build up your TT’s till you have around 150-200 and 20-30 scouts. While you are doing this don’t waste your time on building recourse fields past level 2, and no wheat unless it’s required. With your wheat you should be running negative, if your not in negative wheat your doing it wrong and wasting time when you could be working to your 2nd village. By now if you’ve made good progress you will dominate your 13x13 and if you’ve got a 24/7 account there will only be a few teutons with 2nd villages and you will only be 3-4 days behind them. As soon as your 1st party stops throw another to keep this cycle of endless party’s going continuously as you can never have enough CP. If you are receiving incoming attacks chase them home with your TT’s the second after they return to their village and keep farming them from then on till they put up some decent defense. Don’t research swords just yet unless you are under heavy fire from a teuton with spears in defense, in that case you may need to skip the second village and go for cats which is a major pain to need to do this in your spawn village. Once your parties are taken care of if any of your settlers are in training you need to decide what type of gaul player you want to be here are some options;

Defensive Gaul
Because of the cheap defense of phalanx and the fact that they have the best mobile defense, having a nominated defensive player in an alliance can be extremely useful to protect members of your alliance, especially at war. Being ahead of most of the players on the server you would be perfect to be the nominated defensive coordinator. you can expect many recourse drives from your alliance to build troops and you will have a massive amount of defense to take down any hammer. Basically if your in a top alliance you’re almost unstoppable, however you’re going to need your account close to 24/7 and have you’re eyes glued to the alliance attack page and lots and lots of communication with everyone.

WW hammer builder
This is for the gaul that wants to build a massive offensive hammer for the only purpose of damaging a WW village. For doing this you will definatly want a 15c capital with at least 125% wheat oasis and lots of iron and clay feeders. As said earlier don’t build a WW wall destroyer as gaul rams are too weak, leave that to the teutons. If you build your empire far away from other players you won’t need much defense and you can focus more on hammer production. Great barracks and great stable in your hammer production village are a must along with tournament square and lots of granaries. Don’t let anyone know the size of your hammer or let anyone know which village its being built in. If they know your enemy’s will do all they can to conquer it. This is what a gaul WW hammer can look like on speed;
100k – Swordsman
40k – Haeduan
6-8k – Trebuchet
These numbers are small when compared to the defense of a WW village. When it comes time to attack the WW village you shouldn’t target the WW when it’s at a high level as cats won’t do much damage, instead target the Great warehouse. It will hurt them more.

Aggressive Gaul
This is for the gaul that’s not interested in playing defense, and not interested in moving out into the boonies and simming to build an almighty hammer for end game, this is for someone that wants to cause trouble and fight in battles all server long. This is how I play as gaul and I will continue the guide from here.
Ok so your settlers are ready and you’ve got over 2000CP, you need to decide what your 2nd village will be and where. The area I would settle my next village would be a bit farther away from the center of the map where all the new players are, and the farming grounds are much better but not too far away from my spawn village, 20 squares maybe but no more than that. If I were playing my account alone my 2nd village would be a 5clay then a 15c but as a 24/7 account my next village would be a 15c with at least 50% wheat. This village will be primarily for raiding and I like to call it my raiding hive as it will eventually be filled with a swarm of TT’s. The first thing I do when I settle a new village is to build a townhall and throw a small party A.S.A.P. However in this case it’s more important to get a stable and start producing TT’s. Once you have a few TT’s then build some swords, Now it’s time for the townhall and parties. Eventually this village will serve as a secondary hammer using TT’s, swords and cats. When your 15c is bringing in recourses go back to your spawn village and upgrade the fields. Always make sure you’re parties are going non stop as the next CP target will be 8000. While waiting to get there keep building swords and TT’s as well as upgrading fields and terrorizing the neighborhood. Before too long you’re ready for the 3rd village for me it’s a 5clay possibly for building defense in the future but for now it’s mainly because building upgrades need a lot of clay. Then at some stage I get another 15c with at least 75% oasis for my capital to begin my hammer production. Here’s what my village layout would look like for the next few villages in no particular order;

5clay - defense, building upgrade and feeders (mainly for Cats)
15c capital for hammer storage
4x4x4x6 - pathfinder’s excess iron goes to hammer production village
5iron – hammer feeders
9c – house excess troops and feeders

From here you can take it however you like. This is my normal way of play as a gaul and it works very well for me, keep those parties going and when resources become less of an issue throw big parties. After you’ve settled 8-10 villages conquer the rest.

[Hero] choice
I referred to this earlier and for me it’s a no brainier, it must be a TT over the Haeduen every time. Firstly for the speed factor and secondly, it’s for the cheaper and quicker for revival and for me this is good because my hero dies every now and then. Here’s the way I distribute my hero points
Level 0 – 5 points offence then when it takes a hit redistribute to 5 on regen then back to 5 offence for the next use
Level 1 – 5 offence and 5 regen
From there I only take offence up to 15 then all points then go to the offensive bonus till it hit 20% then it’s all points to defensive bonus till 20%

Ok so you’ve followed the guide and you’re now a top 100 player. Your now ahead of the pack but don’t for a second think you’re up there with the elite all this say’s is that you know the game and the four principals for success in travian which are
1 Farming
2 Parties
3 Gold
4 Highly Active
The way I see it if you’re still fairly new to the game you’re skill level is possibly intermediate, there are many top 100 players in this skill level and you can tell who they are by their lack of knowledge on advanced moves and their styles of play.
Advanced Tips

As much as everyone claims they hate spies this is a key part of the game to be a successful alliance you need spies, here are the 3 main types of spies in travian
1 Local spy – this is the player that reports information to you on what’s going on in you local area they can be anyone, example a nearby player (not in your alliance) informs you that the enemy is attacking him.
2 Insider Spy – this is the player that is in the enemy alliance and informs your alliance about any news or attack plans in the alliance.
3 Double Spy – this is the player that is in the enemy alliance and gives false information to your alliance. These players are very shady and many time’s their loyalty is with nobody they only want to cause trouble. Luckily these players can be found out easily the more insider spies you have the easier a double spy can be found.
Use them all to your advantage and as much as you want to destroy the double spy don’t do it, they can be very useful. Spies generally should only share communication one way from them to you with the exception of the double spy.

Fakes are very useful and come in many forms here are some
First type of fake is done by sending simultaneous attack’s to many of the players villages to mask what village has a real attack. Example send a train of fake attack’s to 2 villages and a real attack to one, all attack’s to hit at the same times, this is done so the player does not know what village to defend.
Second type of fake’s are used to mask which wave has the clearing wave these type of attack’s can look like this
1st wave – fake
2nd wave – fake
3rd wave – fake
4th wave – Clearing wave
5trh wave – Catapult’s
6th wave – Catapult’s
This is done so that the player cannot time defense to land in between wave’s to avoid the clearing wave and take out catapults. When using this method you need to change the order regularly so other players don’t adapt, another order looks like this – fake, clearing wave, cats, cats, fake, fake.
Third type of fake is more a psychological tactic. Send a single scout to all of the player’s village’s to hit at the same time. It won’t take them long to realize what’s going on, to them it will appear as though you have a spy in their alliance, not only will they think they are going to be under attack but they will be on the hunt for a spy that may or may not exist.

Defence Timing
When you have incoming attacks and you’ve verified they are catapults sometimes the best option available is to dodge the clearing wave and take out the catapults to do this you need to time your defense to arrive in between wave 1 and 2. However, if the player attacking is experienced then they most likely will be using fake’s to counteract your defense timing if this is the case time defence to arrive between every wave.

Psychological Tactics
As this is a game played by real people you can psyche out your opponents and get them to do thing’s that they normally wouldn’t do, here’s one quick way you can exploit a certain type of player. This type of player is arrogant, aggressive and thinks they are unstoppable, common signs of this player are seen in the forums usually gloating about how good they and their alliance are, and have a fiery temper (often teenagers but not always). So here’s a method I’ve seen used a few times to destroy their hammer.
Part 1 make sure all alliance member’s that are close to the arrogant player are very well defended with reins.
Part 2 Send a train of fake’s from a large member of your alliance to the target player have closer players send cat fakes to him also. Make sure all players time the fake’s as close as you can to a designated time.
All these attacks that are on the way to his village will hopefully irritate him soo much that in his anger he will send out his hammer to a near alliance member without too much thought involved.
Part 3 Send reins to the players that are under attack by your target.
Part 4 Hammer destroyed, arrogant player demoralized.

So there you have a brief Gaul guide and a few advanced tips to help you in the game if you still want some more help read Nailzz’s Guide of All Guides: Teuton this is the best guide out there. In fact I strongly encourage you to read it and be on the look out for any teutons that seem to be following Nailzz’s guide throughout the game, if they seem to be following this guide hit them hard there’s a good chance they’re n00bs.